Protection Relays

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How We
Can Help

Highly proven, our electronic relays are compact and cost effective. Used mainly in challenging environments, for example where intrinsic safety is required, they offer numerous standard features in either microprocessor or hardware based configurations.
Historically Mines department approvals have been obtained in Australia and South Africa.


M-Tronix is your source for highly innovative electronic control, protection, and monitoring systems for mining and general industry. M-Tronix is your exclusive distributor of the Bramco product range. Leaders in Innovative Protection Systems, the iC1 is compliant to the latest Australian standards, including


The iC3 Earth Continuity Relay is designed to
actively monitor the Resistance of the Pilot Earth
circuit in a supply cable by diode termination.
The iC3 utilises microprocessor technology to
provide a greater level of stability over longer
pilot cables by using digital filtering techniques.


The M-Tronix i-D has been designed to monitor the continuity of the Earth Circuit in a supply cable by grounding the pilot core via a diode, polarised positive to earth, and to allow remote start/stop operation by momentarily shorting a 100 Ohm resistor in the pilot circuit (which closes the relay) and opening the pilot with a stop button to open
the relay.