Embrace a new future

Embracing a new future

For so many of us, these past years have provided unprecedented challenges. Like you, we have had to change how we operate and adapt in response. 

Today, we are introducing M-Tronix, which encompasses technologies and people that our markets have engaged for over forty years.

In the coming days, we’ll demonstrate our Bramco range of Australian-designed, mining-focused electronics. We’ll also introduce our new and highly innovative M-Tronix electronic control, monitoring, and protection solutions. We will reintroduce our team. And launch our web site.

We have an uninterrupted history in R&D that started in 1979. We’ve installed and supported our Bramco products in multiple countries since then. We’re excited to introduce new designs for Australia’s vitally important mining industry. 

We are ready to support you and engage best outcomes for your operations. We remain deeply committed to mining and general industry. We are your source for Bramco and M-Tronix solutions. We’re embracing our new future with you, from today.


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